The world is not a mystery

“Men of the Middle Ages had, moreover, another great advantage over those of our times: they knew what was the purpose of existence. Dante knew it, Bridget knew it; here is the earth, below us is hell, above us heaven; it is our task so to live that we avoid hell and attain heaven. Life…

A Parallel Church

Everyone should read and digest the latest inspired words from Archbishop Vigano. This is an excerpt from the statement published by lifesitenews:  “… it is undeniable that from Vatican II onwards a parallel church was built, superimposed over and diametrically opposed to the true Church of Christ. This parallel church progressively obscured the divine institution…


You visit him at dawn and immediately test him. {Job 7:18} “God is said to test a man not so that he may learn what kind of man he is, but to inform others what sort of man he is, and also so that he may know himself. These words of Job are not to…

Has the penny dropped?

Covid-19, Agenda 21, Agenda 30, The Great Reset, Globalism, World Economic Forum, Global Warming, Climate Change, Sustainable Development, Davos, The EU, The UN, The Vaccine, a virus, a flu-like virus, national lockdowns, “Build back Better”, election fraud, propaganda, rainbows, Marxism, A One World Government, A New World Order, A Brave New World, a cashless society,…